As the new semester approaches, college students have a lot on their minds: Classes, grades, jobs, parking permits and finding a place to live, for starters. While Nevada Housing Division isn’t exactly equipped to assist with most of these, we absolutely can help you find a place to call home. It’s sort of our thing.

We’d like to introduce you to

If you’re thinking of buying a house, you already know that having good credit is, well, a good thing. But what is a good credit score? And what goes into determining it exactly? Here, we’ll delve into the mysterious but oh-so-important number.

A credit score is a number derived by a mathematical algorithm that gives creditors an idea of the risk level

With the rising cost of rental properties in Nevada and low, homebuyer-friendly mortgage rates, the answer to the age-old question, ‘to rent or to buy?’ may be decidedly more clear than in years past. But is homeownership right for you? Your pocketbook? Your lifestyle? Your future? Let’s tackle the question(s) at hand.

We Are Pro-Homebuying, Mostly